People of the world! We should save Taigan [00:03:43]

Автор: Галина Ломакина
По вопросу защиты парка львов "Тайган" от разрушительного действия карьера, разработка которого начата вблизи парка, Попечительским советом Ялтинского зоопарка "Сказка" и парка львов "Тайган" и активистами движения "Свободный Крым" подготовлено и направлено обращение основательнице и главе фонда защиты животных"Фонд Брижит Бардо".

Dear Brigitte Bardot!

If you have ever been to the lions park "Taigan" in the Crimea you would have enjoyed a real treasure in the heart of Crimean peninsular. This is a remarkable place where a lot of endangered animals enjoy life in this calm and fabulous place. The most wonderful thing about this place is a special atmosphere of love and benevolence. The master and creator of this fairy tale is a generous, tireless and fearless Oleg Zubkov. He is the owner and creator of this natural reserve. He has created a world where the animals are protected, and we may appreciate and preserve rare species with whom we still share our planet. He created it himself, without anybody's aid and investment.
Many of these animals have been saved from violent people abuse. It has always been a shelter for homeless and rescued animals.

There live 50 Panthera tigris altaica,listed in the Red book of nature, 80 lions, 40 bears, rare species of birds and other wild animals.
Here you may not only watch, feed and enjoy communication with your favourites, but also undertake breathtaking safari rides accompanied by Oleg Zubkov a truly recognized Pridelord.
The safari park allows you to get up close to the lions, the most exciting animals in the world and experience the thrill of contact with wildlife.

By order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea from February 5, 2015 №69-p, Zoological "Safari Park "Taigan" received the status of "Specially protected natural area of regional importance of the Republic of Crimea".

All our citizens are proud of this remarkable place of recovery of mental and emotional strength.

And now this unique object is threatened with destruction, as the development of a quarry, which was allowed by the Crimean authorities, began nearby. And the natural Crimean reserve and all its inhabitants became its hostages.Animals may forever say goodbye to their usual peace and will cease to multiply. The fragrant Park is threatened by slow extinction.

All the citizens of the Crimea, appeal to you for help and justice because rare animals are in danger of real extinction.

Please, intervene, support and help to save this rare collection of Oleg Zubkov which has become a national treasure.

With hope and gratitude.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Zoological "Safari Park "Taigan".

Galina Lomakina.